The Correct Mindset to Learn French Efficiently

Many of us, in a hurry to learn French, either concentrate on shortcuts or depend heavily on study materials. What we don’t realize is that the right learning resources compose only a part of the whole learning process. Having the right mindset and approach forms the base for an effective and results-oriented learning process. Most importantly, having the correct mindset is totally dependent on the learner himself and not on a tutor or learning structure.
Here are a few tips that can help you develop the right mindset so that you can learn the language quickly and effectively.
Link with the language:
If you are one of those learners who stops thinking about French soon after the learning session ends and again associates with it only when the next session starts, then you are in trouble. Learning French as a foreign language requires you to stay connected with the language beyond the time you have spent in classes. ‘Staying connected’ does not mean that you have to practice French vigorously and stressing yourself. Rather, it means to spend enough time with French so as to get to know it better.
Unlike the ‘start and stop method’ of learning French which makes you get detached from the language, staying connected with French allows you to get more familiar and increase your rapport with the language. Spend enough time with French after class – go to the library, attend French seminars, play French language games or read French comics and stories.
Discover the language on your own:
This is one feature that differentiates an active learner from a passive learner. This feature reflects the level of enthusiasm in a person who wishes to learn French. Just like a growing child who discovers the world on his own, a learner who is new to the language should also discover the language on his own.
An enthusiastic learner will not stop learning French by sticking with what he gained from study material. Instead, he acquires more knowledge about the subject by doing research and takes his learning to the next level.
Build your own French world:
It is not always possible for a French learner to stay in a French-speaking country, but as language and culture are intricately connected, one needs to be familiar with both of these elements when learning a language. The more you expose yourself to the French community, the more you feel connected with the language.
With the advent of online French learning resources, students from anywhere in the world can learn French. Online learning also helps in getting you connected with the native French community without having to move out of your home. They provide learning videos in which a native speaker teaches you the French topics and also provide opportunities to interact with other French -teaching faculty and French learners.
You can even connect with native and non-native French population through social media. Also, French songs, movies, and plays do help a lot in bringing you closer to the French culture and community.
Relax and enjoy the learning process:
What one forgets while learning French for a set purpose is “to enjoy the learning process.” Do not be concerned about memorizing the syllabus in one shot. Remember that learning and improving French is a gradual process and is not scheduled or controlled. Therefore, take your time learning French and make your learning stress-free, as stress adds an additional burden. Try to balance your learning process with entertaining learning resources like games, movies, plays, etc.
Learn French from what you are interested in:
This is yet another important aspect to note while learning French. While going through organized study materials helps you gain a sound knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, other literature and sources will help you know the correct usage of the language. Pick up novels, biographies, television shows, radio shows, stories, etc., that interest you to help you learn French. Picking up interesting sources will keep you motivated in learning the language.
Believe in yourself and have the right attitude:
Despite your continuous effort to learn French, there may be situations when you face difficulty in going to the next level. It is during those situations that you should believe in yourself and should not give up on the learning process.
Also, remember that there is no shortcut to learning French. Though it takes time, you will learn French by doing the right things regularly. Furthermore, you have to take responsibility for your own learning and design or follow a process that ensures effective learning of French.
In order to have a right beginning and right ending for your French learning process, you need to have the right mindset. This mindset paves the path for not only learning French to fulfill your current needs but also helps you in retaining the knowledge throughout your life.
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